Friday, February 11, 2011

skizo wak-a-doodle drawings

this is a group of recently inked pieces taken from a range of past sketchbooks. pencil concepts that never got finished or passed up because of who knows what. possibly making these into stickers or coloring.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Skizo lettering

a few of the stickers i have done for either personal work or black books. they cover a range of years. top one says FHK not skizo. 

sculpt progress part 2

getting closer to the point of casting a mold. fine tuning the symetery of the sculpt. still have a fair amount of work to do on arms and feet and bottom of the character.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

sculpt progress

so i think it is about time that Fa2hq came out with its own set of customizable vinyl figures. i have been working on some designs for some time and have finally pulled out my sculpting tools and are knee deep in the first conceptual figure. it has been a little while since i have sculpted but it seems to be coming back fairly quickly. remembering the mold making and pour process may take a little mental digging. JAKAE wanted me to post the process of the character as i create it. the photos below are the second set i have taken in the creation process so the figure is still rough and needs to be fine tuned before going to the mold process. this design is based off of one of Suk's early monsters because of the massive surface area and the opportunities to work with this form after the pour is completed. it will be poured solid so those individuals with dremels can sculpt into the character further customizing the piece to their own vision. i will upload more progress shots as i get further along in the sculpting process.